
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Most Precious Gift on the Path

                So often on our path we forget so many important things. We strive so hard to find ways to show people we care and to find ways to include them in our adventures rather than leaving them behind. In all this effort and in our many travels we often don’t realize or even forget what the most precious gift of all is.

                Despite all of my introspection and the time I spend on my journey looking within, trying to improve and to help others along the way I somehow missed it myself. Only recently did I realize how much of my best gift I have thrown away, misplaced and given up to those who were less than deserving.

                Our path is never ending; even those who never find their true path are always wandering near it and will for all their days. However our time in this existence is limited and unpredictable.  We can never know how much time we have left; we cannot buy more or go back and take back time wasted.

                Time is the most precious gift you can give to anyone, even to yourself. It is a limited resource, a priceless commodity that once given can never be taken back.  Even the realization of the importance of your own time is a gift.

                It is not a tool to be used against people, for once you withhold it there is no guarantee you will have it to give later. Often on my own journey I have struggled with finding enough time for all those that I love, yet I never realized what importance or meaning it really had when I did make time for some and not for others. I never thought about who actually appreciated my time and who did not, I tossed it to whoever was yelling loudest for it.

                In this new light I see so many things I could have done differently, ways in which I could have better managed my time and directed more to those who truly appreciated it and me. Regret is the seed of misery, and dwelling on the past does no good past the point in which you learn your lesson. The best choice is to move forward empowered with the new knowledge.

                It is a great gift to yourself and to those who truly appreciate you when you realize just how valuable your time is, and how worthy someone should be to receive it. The greatest gift we have to give is our time and attention, and when we squander it on those less than deserving we are stealing it away from those who deserve it.

                I look ahead to my path that lies before me, and now on the back side of my recently acquired compass I can hear a clock ticking away. My own personal reminders of what direction I am headed in, what leads me there, and how precious my time is.

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