July 26, 2009
last several years have been rough, and I have found myself on a road not of
self discover but of re-inventing, rediscovering and melding of the many
aspects that have always been me. It is a long treacherous path, and it has
been hard at times to find my way. There are blockades, sharp twist and turns,
steep hills, and areas where the path is no longer visible. Adding to the
danger is the fact that this journey is not one only traveled in the light,
even in the dark we must stumble on. For some this voyage is never ending,
because they do not even realize what they are doing or where they are going,
they do not take time to reflect on what has happened or how they feel, they
simple go about life lost forever.
As a child I was independent, mature beyond my
years, but yet very fun loving. When I was a teenager, I was carefree and
rebellious and as I found my first love and moved with him into adult hood, I
became responsible, organized and over achieving. All of these traits are a part
of me, none of them have left the core of who I am but some at times have been
ignored and even repressed. As an adult I repressed my carefree nature and
usually ignored my fun loving side, as a benefit I accomplished many things and
was seen by some as super woman, juggling more things at once than most would
even consider possible. But eventually I broke down, all work and no play
really does have negative side effects, when things in my life changed
drastically I could not cope, and the carefree, rebellious and fun loving
traits in me came crashing back with a vengeance. For a while I forgot about
the journey of self discovery and re-discovery that life really is and I lived
only for the moment with no thoughts of the future. Many times over the last few
years I have tried to find where I left off on the path, sometimes getting a
short way down the trail, before again neglecting my mission. Today I vow to
remain on the path and continue the voyage with renewed dedication and no
matter what lies ahead and what obstacles life puts in my way, I will continue
and do my best to inspire others to do the same.
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