
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Materialism on the Path

      As I meander my way down my path today I find myself thinking about how things have changed and the effects these changes have on society. I recently came across a quote etched into a tree that read “People are made to be Loved and Things are made to be Used. There is so much confusion in this World because People are being Used and Things are being Loved.” I see a lot of truth in this statement and it worries me.
When I look around at all the people I know, I see too many that put a higher value on the things they own than on the people around them. I wonder why this is, and how it happened and a startling thought occurs to me. Perhaps people put their love into objects because they have been hurt too often by the people around them. Maybe their solution to being hurt by other people was to invest their love into something that could not stab them in the back.

      This realization is even sadder than the original problem. How can you convince people to put their love into something that is bound to hurt them instead of a material object that could possible outlive them and never cause them any pain?

     Although I know the answer, and it seems simple enough, the solution is not so easily realized. People who value material objects over people, do not even necessarily realize their reasons for doing so, and if they were faced with it would not see the logic in my answer.

      I believe that loving and trusting in someone is an investment, and like an investment, you may lose what you put into it, but you may also earn more than you ever imagined. In life some people will be losers and never return the love you invest in them, but ultimately you tried, and took the risk.

      When you invest your love into an object you can NEVER get anything more than you put into it. It will never bring you anymore happiness then the day you first laid eyes on it, and it will never love you back.
I pause on my path and decide to act on my own revelations, actions speak louder than words. I am going to empty out my pack and only return items I need, or that I love because they remind me of a person who has been a win for me and returned my love.

      It is important to periodically take stock of what we have and what we value to make sure we are not wasting our investments. Never dwell on the losers you have encountered, no matter how many there have been, remember the winners and all the love and happiness they have brought to your life! 

Rainy Days on the Path

      The rain pours down today as I stroll down my path. The clouds seem to be stalking me, and I can’t remember the last time I have seen the sun.  This weather makes it hard to keep going, but I know I must. We all experience all kinds of weather as we travel along our paths, and sometimes we must fight to keep going through the storm.

      It helps when I remind myself I am not the only one caught in the rain. On occasion when I come across another traveler who appears defeated by the storm I try to offer them some comfort and encouragement. Perhaps they sit by my fire, or accept a few words, and that is enough to bring a little internal sunlight to my day.

      Too often we forget that we are not alone in our struggles to get through the many storms that pass us on the path.  And we take for granted how easily we can ease the struggles of others, if only for moment. How a simple gesture can bring sunshine to others. Perhaps it is because we do not show our appreciation to others when they do the same for us, or we are too wrapped up in our own self pity to let their sun brighten our day. 

      Sometimes the bad weather makes it hard for us to see where we are going, or which direction we should be headed in. Often this is when we need our Navigators* most, but are least likely to seek their direction and least likely to accept it. I remind myself as I take shelter under a tree, to listen to my Navigators and to push myself to seek their advice in times like these. I know I cannot rest too long under the shelter of this tree, that is perhaps the first advice a navigator would give me, but just for now, for a moment I take a breather.

 *Navigators are people in your life that make suggestions to you of the possibilities that may lie ahead on your path, often offering direction. 

Indecision on the Path

There are many things in life that distract us and keep us from fulfilling our true potential, reaching our ultimate goals. As I slowly stroll down my path today, I am as indecisive as ever, and I think of how this indecision holds me back and distracts me from what could be. This is a problem I have faced over and over again on this long and winding path, making a decision, choosing a new fork in the road, forging a new path. How can we ever be sure that  a decision we make is the right one, how can we know that when we drive forward and venture into new territory that we are not missing out on the way we really should have gone?

The truth is we can never really be sure, and that we must have faith in ourselves, and whatever higher power we choose to believe or not believe in to lead us in the right direction. I suppose my lack of faith is part of my problem.  I see so many possibilities ahead of me, there are so many ways to move forward, and all seem like they will lead to great places, but how do I know which one is the best?  The thing that really holds me back is a common cause of paralysis, and that is fear. Fear of missing out, fear of getting lost, and the ever present all encompassing fear of the unknown.  I know I must make a decision, because even now I may be passing up the detour, or the hidden trail, that could lead to the best adventure of all.

I stop and sit on grass under a tall oak tree to think.  My knees drawn up and my head in my hands, I feel I am already lost. I know there are others near and I could follow them, but I have never been one to follow in the footsteps of others, I like to make my own path. I think back on the suggestions and possible new paths that have been pointed out to me by some of the navigators* in my life, and I considered the places I imagined these paths leading to. Of course I cannot know for sure where they will lead me, but I would be going somewhere. I wish that I could take multiple paths, but I know dreaming of the impossible is just another distraction.  I need to concentrate and decide, make a decision, before it is too late.

My biggest fear of all, is letting the fear and other distractions get the better of me and aimlessly wandering this path until the journey ends. To make the wrong decision is better than making no decision at all and squandering all the time I have to explore this beautiful place and leave my mark, would be the biggest mistake of all! I suppose any path I choose, I will wonder what could have been on the others that I chose not to create, but that is the way of the world. I cannot be all knowing and if I were it would only remove the fun from journey.  I stand and return to the beaten path, but I know I must soon forge my own way, make my move, my life altering decision because to have made my own path, whether it was the best possible or not, is still better than wandering eternally on the well beaten path, and ending my journey without ever knowing any of the possibilities that could have been.

*Navigators are people in your life, often those you care for, that make suggestions to you of the possibilities that may lie ahead on your path.

Finding Peace on the Path: Learning to Let Go

As I meander down the path today I am thinking about all my fellow travelers who suffer from overwhelming stress and deep depression.  I began to consider how I could assist them and help them find peace on their path. 
As I pondered I realized that, the path to inner peace and happiness begins with letting go, and that the key skill to learn to achieve happiness is releasing negative thoughts and emotions!  Everyone holds on to things that should just be let go; bad memories, anger, worries and lost loves. All of the pent up negative feelings and emotions rot us from the inside out and can make us and everyone around us miserable.
Having come up with a solution I feel my steps lighten and my smile brighten, the trees on my path seem greener and I believe the birds are serenading me.  I wonder why has no one ever thought of this before, everyone could be so happy.  Then I stop suddenly, realizing what I thought was the answer is only the beginning.
To say that you need to release all of the negative thoughts and emotions is easy, but how do you accomplish this, and more difficult yet, how do you teach someone else to do it? For very few it is simply that easy, realizing what to do, and then they can do it, but for most there is much more work involved. Those with the longest road ahead of them are those who are barricaded by fear.
Fear is one of the first obstacles most people face when they try to release all the negativity that holds them back. Fear of the unknown (happiness), fear of being taken advantage of once you have let so much go, and fear of losing the security blanket of anger, sadness and inner turmoil.
It is easy to see how someone who has never known what it feels like to release the black cloud of negativity would be afraid to lose it. Many people are conditioned into living with it as if it were a part of them and they believe (and sometimes others as well) that it is just who they are, they are just inherently angry and miserable.   These are the people who have the most difficulty learning to release, because in their mind releasing all the negativity would be changing who they are at their core, and they have the longest path to travel before they reach the peaceful path but there is still hope even for these hardcore haters and sanctimoniously sad souls.
I look around again at my path and the forest that surrounds it, and although I have been standing still I feel I have made some progress. My thoughts and ideas have not yet lightened the burdens of those around me, but I suppose if it were that easy someone would have figured it all out by now, and sadness and anger would be a rare occurrence rather than the norm. I continue down my path again and release these thoughts for now to you dearest readers. I too must not hold on to negative thoughts and frustration at not finding a solution is a negative thought, so far now I let it go, but will return with more positivity later.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Reflections on the Path

November 7, 2009

As I travel down the familiar path today, the one I have traveled my whole life, I find myself lost in reflections of the past.  In particular I’m thinking back to the most difficult period of my life, the time when I seemed to have forgotten my journey and even forgot myself.  Looking back now, after having come so far, it all seems surreal. Was that really me self medicating with alcohol? Was it me who was lost and confused and could not handle a life in which my future was not all planned out for me anymore? It all seems like a memory of a movie I watched, not a life I lived.

I have come so far in two years, yet I still have a long way to go. Because of my time away from the path, hiding in the bottom of endless bottles, I now have so much more work to do. I have only recently returned to this path, and there has been a lot of work to do as I returned. I am often overwhelmed by all that lies before me, how can I have come so far yet still have so far to go? Even in the short time since I remembered there was a path that I was supposed to be traveling, I have managed to see and meld together the many aspects that are me. It sounds like a simple thing, but for the first time in my life, in my journey, I have managed to balance all of the competing characteristics that make up who I am.

As I stroll down this path and see the upcoming fork in the road, this brings me comfort. I see ahead a lot of work to be done and tough decisions to make, but knowing I am finally whole and in balance brings me peace and comfort. I still fear the decisions I face, picking a path to take in the fork frightens me, I want to make the right choice, I fear having to turn back and wasting time, but I am much more at ease over the decision than I have been in a long time.  I now believe that it is true that after the storm there is often a beautiful calm and peace.

There has been so much chaos among the people around my path that I have taken a lot of my path alone lately, and I think it was necessary to allow me time to reflect and think without so many outside influences. It is important to have people you love and to allow them to help you on your path, but when it comes down to it only you can make the right decisions for you, and only you can truly create your path.

Bad things on the Path

August 17, 2009

As we travel along our path we witness and experience many bad things. The bad things often come in the form of diseases or illness that people develop or catch, sometimes accidents happen and injure or kill people, and sometimes other people inflict bad things upon each other. Regardless of the form a bad thing takes, they are always difficult to deal with and often seem to happen to good people.

In fact some of the best people live lives filled with pain, suffering and agony. It is not these events but how we react to them that define us. Many good people face one bad thing after another, and it leaves many feeling guilty, as if they must have done something wrong to deserve the suffering. But I believe bad things are mostly a random occurrence and no matter how you live your life bad things can always find you.

When bad things happen and especially when they seem to happen repeatedly it is hard to fight the feelings of guilt and frustration. It is easy to think you must have done something wrong to deserve all this pain and suffering. You must remain strong and have faith in yourself and believe that you are a good person and that bad things are random occurrences.

To believe that bad things happen as punishment is to believe that you are guilty. To give in and start believing you deserve it is to give up. Giving up only makes things worse and makes you feel worse. When you have given up and are feeling bad you become more vulnerable to bad things and even little problems begin to look like huge problems. To never give up regardless of how bad things get is to show true strength and faith in self.

There are bad things that we bring upon ourselves. Some habits and situations that we put ourselves in increase our risk for bad things. Sometimes we expose ourselves to risk factors without even knowing it and other times we knowingly make ourselves more vulnerable. Even when we knowingly increase our chances for bad things to happen there is still chance at play. Not everyone who smokes develops caner, not everyone who drives while intoxicated plows into a family of five, there still is no telling when or where bad things will happen. We must control the things we can to reduce our risk and not let our faith in ourselves slip.

“Never give in, never give up and never let anyone or anything make you believe you are not a good person.”

Disaster on the Path

The path we all travel is treacherous; there are many dangers and obstacles along the way.  There are many things lurking in the shadows that will hurt us if we are not careful, and some of them we cannot prevent. Many times we are injured along the path, and must fight through the pain to continue on our journey.

Today as I follow my path I am reminiscing about a forest fire that happened on my path a few years ago. It was a frightening time and it totally changed the course of my path, and the forest around it. Before the fire I had my path all mapped out, there were of course bumps and hills along the way I had not anticipated and I am sure there would have been more to come, but I knew where my path was leading; the destination was known. Major disasters, like a forest fire, can change the course of one’s path, and often changes the destination sometimes leaving it unknown. Change is always scary but a major change such as inflicted by a forest fire can really make you want to run and hide and never return to your path.

  I am ashamed to admit that I did run from the fire, I wish I had been brave and strong enough of character to continue walking through the fire, but like so many others I turned and ran. The fire brought chaos to what is normally a peaceful path, and as it raged on I hid, far away. I stayed off of the path for a long time, occasionally I would consider returning but I knew the path had changed and that it would take a lot of work to clear the path of all the debris and ash left behind.   When I finally got up the courage to return I found that the fire itself had burnt out quickly but what it left behind I did not recognize and therefore feared. I sat on a boulder for a long time, looking at the mess I had to clean up, knowing what needed to be done but afraid of the blood, sweat and tears I knew the clean up would cost me.

Finally with the help of a few good friends I began the tremendous task of clearing my path. You see while running from the fire was a cowardly thing to do, some good did come from it. Before the fire, I kept my path very secluded, it was peaceful but sometimes got lonely, when I was in hiding I reacquainted with some old friends and made some new ones, and now they often join me on my path.  While the fire was scary and the clean up grueling and still ongoing as I rediscover my path and must clean up as I go, it has now cleared away some of the forest and allowed me to choose new directions. I can now choose where my path goes and what turns and detours I take along the way. You see forest fires are sometimes necessary to clear the way for new growth and to fertilize and renew the soil; which is the foundation from which all things grow. 

As I return from my thoughts, walking still on my new path, I look around and see friends in the distance, only a shout away if I need them, and new growth all around me. I still do not know where this new path is headed and in the distance I see more debris to clean up, but I am no longer afraid. I am now excited to discover all this new path may hold and to choose what directions it will take.

“Personal disasters are like forest fires; they are sometimes necessary to clear the way for new growth and to fertilize and renew the soil; which is the foundation from which all things grow.”

Continuing my journey on the path

August 3, 2009

Today as I continued down the path of self re-discovery I realized that again my feet were sore and aching. You see I have not been wearing any shoes for a long while as I walk alone down my path, and the pain is not new. But today I realized that I could wear shoes, I knew I could before, but for some reason I thought the pain was a necessary part of my journey. For some reason I thought I deserved the pain and therefore I did not wear the shoes I always had. A friend along the path helped me see that the pain was not adding anything to my journey and if anything it was only prolonging it. So today I stopped and sat on a rock and put on my shoes, realizing that we should all wear our shoes, regardless of what we may have done wrong, we do not deserve the aching feet. With my shoes on, my feet healing and my head now held high, my friend and I parted ways for now and each continued on our own journeys.

If on your journey you find you are dealing with something that is causing you pain, whether the fact you don’t feel worthy of shoes, or you are carrying too much baggage, stop and think why the pain is there. Take a break, sit on a stump and consider why you are in pain and if there is anything you can do about it. If there is a resolution you should take it, no one should suffer if they can help it. The path is long and hard enough without the additional burden.

The Path We All Travel

July 26, 2009
The last several years have been rough, and I have found myself on a road not of self discover but of re-inventing, rediscovering and melding of the many aspects that have always been me. It is a long treacherous path, and it has been hard at times to find my way. There are blockades, sharp twist and turns, steep hills, and areas where the path is no longer visible. Adding to the danger is the fact that this journey is not one only traveled in the light, even in the dark we must stumble on. For some this voyage is never ending, because they do not even realize what they are doing or where they are going, they do not take time to reflect on what has happened or how they feel, they simple go about life lost forever.

 As a child I was independent, mature beyond my years, but yet very fun loving. When I was a teenager, I was carefree and rebellious and as I found my first love and moved with him into adult hood, I became responsible, organized and over achieving. All of these traits are a part of me, none of them have left the core of who I am but some at times have been ignored and even repressed. As an adult I repressed my carefree nature and usually ignored my fun loving side, as a benefit I accomplished many things and was seen by some as super woman, juggling more things at once than most would even consider possible. But eventually I broke down, all work and no play really does have negative side effects, when things in my life changed drastically I could not cope, and the carefree, rebellious and fun loving traits in me came crashing back with a vengeance. For a while I forgot about the journey of self discovery and re-discovery that life really is and I lived only for the moment with no thoughts of the future. Many times over the last few years I have tried to find where I left off on the path, sometimes getting a short way down the trail, before again neglecting my mission. Today I vow to remain on the path and continue the voyage with renewed dedication and no matter what lies ahead and what obstacles life puts in my way, I will continue and do my best to inspire others to do the same.